
Pet dog attacked and injured a kid inside Gaur Cascades, a housing society in Rajnagar Extension

Ghaziabad : A little boy in Gaur Cascades, a housing society in Rajnagar Extension continues to recover after an alleged dog attack by one of the neighbour’s pet on Wednesday morning.

The family of Shashwat Pratap Singh says the little boy was attacked by a German shepherd while going to School in the morning. However, he narrowly escaped in this attack. The father of the child has filed a case against the dog owner at the police station Nandgram.

Anita Singh, Shashwat’s mother, told Local Post that the alleged attack happened on Wednesday morning when her son has been going to School.

“We brought him back with a rag on his back and I knew it was really bad,” she said

 “I don’t want the dog around my child (or) around anybody else’s kids,” said Anita. “This was bad what happened to her child and it could be worse next time.”

 Why Do German Shepherds Attack Unexpectedly?

According to the Kennel Club German shepherds are the second most popular breed of pet dogs. What if a dog owner says “My German shepherd puppy attacks me”? When a German Shepherd attacks unexpectedly, environmental, genetic, and biological factors are probably responsible. If a German shepherd does attack, they can be much more dangerous because they are large, muscular, powerful dogs.

German shepherd temperament

German shepherds have a partially deserved reputation for attacking suddenly. Due to aggressiveness traits passed through bloodlines, undesirable temperaments were handed down from generation to generation. Experts, at one time, identified this trait as a tendency for biting out of fear.

Through selective breeding programs and education of owners, this dangerous temperamental element has largely been eliminated from purebred German shepherds.

German shepherd training

The type of training this breed receives is largely responsible for their behavior. Some German shepherds are the victims of abusive owners who keep them as attack dogs, train them poorly, and encourage them to bite. When these dogs get an opportunity, they attack. German shepherds should only be trained as guard dogs by experts. Home obedience training for your pet is vital for both the dog’s, and the owner’s, safety.

Exercise, confinement, and boredom

As per the experts , German shepherds are energetic dogs that require regular exercise. These dogs were bred for herding livestock and have a lot of energy to burn. Confinement in small spaces, or tethering, causes boredom and territorial behaviors such as attacking people who venture close.

Umesh Kumar

Umesh is a senior journalist with more than 15 years of experience. Freelance photo journalist with some leading newspapers, magazines, and news websites and is now associated with Local Post as Consulting Editor

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