The Rapid Decline In The Country’s Fertility Rate, Falling From 2.2% To 2% Has Put A Slight Break On The Country’s Rapidly Growing Population.

New Delhi : The birth rate in the country has come down. Given the declining fertility rate, it is safe to say that in the near future, the rapidly growing population may return to a stable range. This is according to a recent report by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS).
According to the report, the birth rate in the country has come down from 2.2% to 2%. Children are born less and the fertility rate of the Muslim community is declining. According to the NFHS survey, the fertility rate in this category is 4.4 in 1992-93, 2.6 in 2015-16 and 2.3 in 2019-21.
The data also shows a sharp decline in the Muslim class. Muslims have seen a sharp decline of 9.9% between NFHS-4 and NFHS-5 between 2.62 and 2.36. Report of the National Family Health Survey According to the National Family Health Survey 1, conducted between 1992-93, the fertility rate among Muslims was 4.41.
The second survey conducted in 1998-99 had a fertility rate of 3.59 and 3.4 in 2005-06, 2.62 in 2015-16 and 2.36 in 2019-21. There has been a big decline but it is still higher than other categories. Decrease in Fertility Rate in Hindu-Sikh Religions On the other hand, in Hinduism, Fertility rate in National Family Health Survey 1 was 3.3 in 1992-93, in second survey 98-99 2.78, in third survey conducted in 2005-06 2.59, in fourth survey 2.13, year 2019- It dropped to 1.94 in the fifth survey between the 21s. This decline has been seen in all religions like Sikh, Jain, Christian.