Health Check Up : Mahaveer International School

Meerut : Mahaveer International School, Sardhana Road, Pohalli has conducted a Health Check-up Camp today at their campus. Free Eye Check up and Dental check up was organised for their students. School was very fortunate to have renowned Ophthalmologist Dr. (Col) Anirudh Singh, Dental Specialist Dr. Manisha Tyagi and Ayushi Singh. From the day we were born health is the most important in our life. Without good health no one can enjoy the life fully. Most of the people go to hospital only after getting one particular disease. They ignore the importance of health Check up. We believe in Prevention is better than Cure. Keeping this in mind, Mahaveer International School uses to pay special attention towards healthiness of our children by doing Health Check-up camp, Health awareness Program etc. whenever situation permits.

Specialist told the students how can they protect their eyes and teeth in this changing polluted environment. The students enthusiastically listened to the specialist and got examined . Students were briefed about importance of nutritional diet to keep their eyes and teeth healthier.
Around 600 students were examined today. On this occasion Vice Principal Garima Singh said , taking care of your eyes and teeth is an important key to enjoying a healthy lifestyle. Staying healthy isn’t just about making sure you eat right, take vitamins, and exercise daily. As a matter of fact, many people seem to forget about two of the most important aspects of their health. That is, vision and dental health.

Principal Naveen Kumar Sharma expressed his deep gratitude to the specialist heartily and motivated the students to take healthy and nutrient diet. Your eyes demand strong nutrition as well and correct oral health hygiene is rudiment to maintain a healthy life. Eat a balanced diet that is rich in all nutrients to ensure good overall health.