Collaborative Efforts for Disease Prevention and Awareness in Prateek Grand City

Ghaziabad: In a recent meeting held at Prateek Grand City Club, officials from the Health Department, Prateek Management, and residents discussed various points of concern:
With the aim to address issues like waterlogging and diseases such as dengue and malaria, a team of health department officials has been working in the society under the guidance of the Chief Medical Officer for the past week. Recognizing the severity of the problem, the health department team will continue to be present here, monitoring and implementing preventive measures.
Steps for prevention and awareness were discussed among the residents. Information about these steps had been previously shared in the community. All residents were urged to take care of their families and assisting staff members.

As per suggestions, Prateek Management will ensure that fogging and appropriate doses of anti-larval chemicals are conducted three times a week and notifications will be sent through the myGate app. The health department assured the supply of chemicals in adequate quantities.
Solutions to potential issues like waterlogging, dirt, and the spread of harmful microorganisms in EWS construction sites, basements, common areas, corridors, vacant flats, and adjacent plots were discussed. The VP Facility and Estate Manager assured their commitment to addressing these concerns.
The residents collectively strive for prevention and awareness. In times of need, they pledged to support each other.