
Grand Inauguration of Lions Club Sahibabad Greater: Lion Rakesh Kumar Jha Takes Charge as President

Ghaziabad: The Lions Club Sahibabad Greater witnessed a spectacular installation ceremony at the Annexi Hall, Lion Eye Hospital, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad. The event marked the formal induction of Lion Rakesh Kumar Jha as the President and the esteemed Board of Directors.

Distinguished guests graced the occasion, including District Governor Lion Pankaj Bizzalwan, LCIF Area Leader Lion Vinay Mittal, Vice District Governor-1 Lion A.K. Mittal, Vice District Governor-2 Lion Vinay Sisodia, PDG Lion Sanjiva Agarwal, among others, who joined the celebration to support the Lions Club Sahibabad Greater.

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Lion Rakesh Kumar Jha, the newly appointed President, along with Lion Govind Agarwal (Secretary) and Lion Rajeev Bhargav (Treasurer), took the oath of office, pledging to uphold the principles and values of the club. Regional Chairperson Lion Sanjiv Goyal, Zone Chairperson Lion Ashok Agarwal, and District Chairperson Lion J.C. Tyal, the Chairman of the Program, and Lion Sharad Gupta, Co-Chairman, attended the ceremony with enthusiasm.

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The event also witnessed the presence of esteemed guests, including Bal Kishan Gupta, District President of the National Traders’ Association and a member of the Railway Board, Lion Ajay Singhal, Lion Rajeev Agarwal, Lion Ashok Bharatiya, and members from various other clubs, who were honored by the Lions Club Sahibabad Greater for gracing the occasion with their presence.

District President Bal Kishan Gupta felicitated Lion President Rakesh Kumar Jha with a traditional turban and garland, signifying a warm welcome and admiration for the new leadership. To acknowledge the unwavering support of the parents of all attending Lions members, the club presented them with shawls as a token of gratitude. Furthermore, the club extended its appreciation to Dr. Ishita Gupta, conferring her with a certificate of honor for her exemplary contributions.

The installation ceremony witnessed a jubilant gathering, with guests and members coming together to celebrate the new leadership and reaffirm their commitment to community service and charitable endeavors. The Lions Club Sahibabad Greater remains resolute in its mission to serve society and make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

Umesh Kumar

Umesh is a senior journalist with more than 15 years of experience. Freelance photo journalist with some leading newspapers, magazines, and news websites and is now associated with Local Post as Consulting Editor

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